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Khomdram Chaoba Devi

Khomdram Chaoba Devi

Before joining Modicare, I was a housewife and my husband, Deeneshwar, faced a setback in his business. We were struggling to even put a meal on the table for our three sons. We prayed for a way out and finally God answered our prayers by guiding to Modicare. We joined Modicare 6 years ago with full confidence understanding that success required not just hard work but also smart work. Today, Modicare has completely transformed our lives, infusing it with love and happiness.
We attribute our upward climb to success to Mr. Samir K Modi, the visionary behind the remarkable opportunity called Samir Modi Azadi Plan 2.0. His belief in ‘Azadi to All’ resonates deeply with us. Now, we take immense joy in assisting others in making the same life-altering choice, guiding them towards success. Modicare offers the freedom to live life on your own terms and has empowered us to extend this freedom to countless families, helping them realise their dreams. We firmly believe that if you dare to dream, Modicare provides the ideal platform to turn those dreams into reality.
Being a part of the Modicare family fills us with boundless happiness. Through Modicare, we have achieved recognition, acclaim and a deep sense of contentment. It has served as the catalyst for reaching all our cherished goals. Despite having tried various business ventures in the past, none have yielded the level of success we found with Modicare. We extend heartfelt gratitude to our uplines, our dedicated team, crosslines and the Modicare management for supporting us in building our Modicare business from the heart and following the guiding principle of LUCK (Labour Under Correct Knowledge).
We believe that it is not your future or habits that you determine; rather, it is your habits that shape your future. Life presents countless choices, and making the right ones leads to a fulfilling and productive journey on this earth. We want everyone to believe in the possibility of their dreams, no matter how daring they may seem. Embrace each moment of life and with the wisdom gained, turn knowledge into tangible outcomes. Modicare has shown us the way, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

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