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Akhilesh K Pawar

Akhilesh K Pawar

Dreams are fulfilled only in Modicare. Thank you, Samir Modi Sir, for bringing Modicare in our lives as the best opportunity of this creation and a platform to fulfil our dreams. This is the only platform which makes human life truly wonderful. Before Modicare, I was a journalist and along with that I used to do photography, farming and teaching too. Despite doing all that, my combined income was not enough to meet my needs. It was the grace of my presiding Devi Arbuda Mata and guruji that changed my life. My sister and great upline Meenakshi Ji Gorana brought Modicare into my life. Till now, I have roughly earned a combined eight-figure income, foreign trips, luxury car and a big house from Modicare. All my dreams have come true, and I am deeply grateful to the most ethical visionary man and my mentor Alpesh Gajjar Sir. His guidance and vision have led me to this point today. Thank you to my family and my dynamic team. Thanks to Modicare management, if it werenot for all this, I would not be here today.

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